Saturday, December 3, 2011

Random Thoughts on a Rainy Day

Rainy days and Sundays (sic!) do get me down, but not in the usual sense. The pitter patter of the raindrops make me feel like snuggling under a thick blanket with good, cheesy, chick-lit, but it makes me feel happy, rather than sad.The cold crispy weather makes me stop, slow down, and muse on random thoughts I would normally breeze through on busy sunny days.

It's December once again, the loveliest, yet craziest time of the year. Eleven days till the hubby comes home. Yey! I'm not a single parent anymore! I finally have someone to share the princess' antics and tantrums. Hon, it's your turn to run after her when she spots something in the mall. Let's see you try to pry that cheap plastic toy out of her hands.

Mall... hmm, no Christmas shopping yet. Not a single gift. Uh-oh! To all my friends, can I give your gifts in February instead?

We have our heart set on getting the princess a kitchen bonanza this year. But the stores only have the cheap-looking-(but not cheaply priced)- will-be-destroyed-in-1-week plastic sets. Maybe we should score those expat-surplus shops in Pampanga, where the diplomats throw away their once loved Fisher-Price/ Playskool stuff.

Get together with the high school crowd later this month. Looking forward to it. Hope it pushes through. While before it was mostly dinners and drinks, now the motley assemble will include spouses, kids, yayas and all sorts of attachments.How fast the years have gone. It should be a blast. Maybe we can still have our tong-its matches. But I think I've forgotten how to do it. Paging Ken and Eric!

Lately I've been noticing that I blab too much. My husband will disagree that it hasn't only been lately. Reminder to self: talk less, listen more. Furthermore, should practice more patience and be more tolerant. December resolutions!

Love the rain, I only wish I wasn't at work now. Yes, I'm at work as I am typing this. Rare moment of breather while on duty. A good cup of coffee sounds so good.

Rain, just keep it light. No floods please.

Last night, the princess kept her Tag Junior tapped repeatedly on the spot that plays Joy To The World. She probably thinks its an Ipod or Walkman (umamin na ang mga minsang nag-mamay-ari ng walkman, yes, ganun na tayo katanda). Christmas carols bring back the wonderful days of our childhood. They just make me feel good. A friend once told me it is our job as parents to make wonderful memories for our children. But then, it's not really a job, right? Just as our parents before us made sure Christmas is special for us, it's now our turn to make this blessed season unforgettable, not just for our little ones, but for everyone we touch.

Therefore I should get off my ass and start making Christmas happen. And go shopping.

You, too!