Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Musings on a Rainy Morning

Don't you just love the rain? The past few mornings, we have woken up to the pitter-patter of raindrops outside the window. The cool breeze has already had us turning off the electric fan in the wee hours of the morning. Ah, what a relief from the sweltering heat of the past few weeks. I do not know if it is the same with all mothers out there, but it seems I never lost the heat intolerance I developed during my pregnancy.

The incessant drip-drop reassures me that earth is receiving its sustenance and life will soon rise up from the ground. So long as it does not become torrential and floods out everything again!!!

The daughter already has her singing-in-the-rain number down to a pat. She grabs an open umbrella and tries to hoist it up her head while walking. Ok, she resembles a toadstool when seen from the sides, with her upper body concealed by the umbrella, but its a refreshing sight to this proud mommy who thinks everything she does is adorable. Ok, not everything...

Although it means fewer patients would me coming to the clinic (again!) because of the wet weather, the rain seems to be a wonderful thing. It urges one to relax, slow down, reach for a cup of hot chocolate, open a book, or look out the window and just ponder on life so beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about rainy days in the Philippines. Except that you put it into words oh so beautifully!
